The South Carolina Medicare Supplement through Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina is a great option for some Medicare-enrollees. Although the Blue Cross Blue Shield rates are typically higher than other standardized Medicare Supplement plans in the state, they are a great fit for those who are not in Open Enrollment or Guaranteed Issue periods and can not qualify medically for other lower-priced plans.
BCBS has more lenient underwriting questions, which allows some individuals who would not qualify for other plans to qualify for a BCBS Medicare Supplement in South Carolina.
Keep in mind that, if you ARE in an Open Enrollment (just turning 65 or signing up for Medicare Part B) OR Guaranteed Issue (several situations including moving to a new state, or retiring and losing employer coverage), you have the opportunity to sign up for a plan from any company without being subject to underwriting (i.e. health questions). In that case, it is imperative that you do a full, unbiased rate quote comparison and choose the plan with the lowest (or one of the lowest rates). Since all companies provide the exact same coverage plans and pay claims the same way, rate is, and should be, the primary comparison factor.
For more information about this or to get a South Carolina Medicare Insurance Supplement Quotes, visit Secure Medicare Solutions at South Carolina Medicare Insurance – Medicare in SC.